As he walked past the chunks of wood,
The birds in there, sadly chirped.
His destiny lies nowhere, he thought,
This was what he deserved!
Destroying their sole homes,
Now where would they go?
He was carrying , the axe, the weapon.
For the birds, it was a dreadful show!
The air, he breathed, choked him down.
And it was all his fault.
Neither would he have cut down the trees,
Nor he would have suffered such a guilty jolt!
He knew, he was the destructor,
The evil crime he had committed!
He would never be able to make them back,
Their new homes where their souls had stayed!
He wished, they would forgive him,
Not after he had cut down the trees.
There was only one chance now,
To wait for years, after he had planted the seeds!
This was the last time, he did his job,
For now there would be no destruction.
Because he has realized his crime.
And he is moving towards a better construction.
The years passed by,
The seeds had turned into trees,
The woodcutter was joyous, because;
He had never seen such a beautiful scene!
The birds had once again began;
To build back their homes!
And they happily chirped,
Because they got back their lovely souls!
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